- SensMax is a manufacturer of IoT solutions & sensors.
- Devices
- Temperature monitoring
Temperature monitoring

SensGuard MCP9808 wireless temperature monitoring sensor for temperature ranges of -20°C to +55°C. Accuracy ±0.5℃. Resolution 0.1℃.

SensGuard ENS210 wireless temperature and humidity sensor for ranges of -20°C to +55°C, and 0-100% RH. Accuracy ±0.5℃ and 3.5% RH. Resolution 0.1℃ and 0.1% RH.

SensGuard DS18B20 wireless temperature sensor with probe for temperature ranges of –30°C to +120°C. Accuracy ±0.5℃. Resolution 0.1℃.

SensMax SensGuard PT100 wireless temperature monitoring sensor for remote temperature ranges of –50°C to +200°C. Accuracy ±0.2℃. Resolution 0.1℃.

SensGuard PT100 HIGH ACCURACY remote temperature sensor with a probe for temperature ranges of –200°C to +200°C. Accuracy is within ±0.1℃. Resolution is 0.01℃.