Technical Insights into the SensMax TAC-B 4G Radar Sensor

The SensMax TAC-B 4G Radar Sensor is an advanced device for counting people in different areas. It uses radar technology to detect people, making it accurate in all weather conditions, whether it’s sunny, rainy, or dark.
  • Radar Technology: Unlike cameras, radar works well in any weather or light, ensuring accurate counts of people.
  • 4G Connection: The sensor sends data over a 4G network, so it doesn’t need Wi-Fi or wired internet. This is great for remote or outdoor places where it’s hard to set up internet.
  • Wide Range and Accuracy: It can count people within 10 meters and cover areas up to 100 square meters. It can even tell the difference between people walking and cycling.
  • Privacy: The sensor respects privacy because it doesn’t use cameras. It’s fully compliant with privacy laws like GDPR.
  • Easy to Install: Installing the sensor is simple; you just need to connect it to power and mount it in a suitable spot. The device is built to last, even in tough outdoor conditions.
  • Data Integration: The data collected by the sensor can be easily connected with different reporting systems, making it flexible for various uses like managing public spaces, parks, and events.

The SensMax TAC-B 4G Radar Sensor is perfect for:

  • Counting people in parks and outdoor areas.
  • Monitoring visitors at events.
  • Tracking pedestrian flow in public places.
  • Improving safety at transport hubs like bus stations.
Technical Insights into the SensMax TAC-B 4G Radar Sensor
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